As most of us know its not always easy to get breakdowns of our work from studios (so thank you to the clients and studios who kindly allowed me materials for my reel and this page), this is a page to showcase breakdowns on shots I worked on and also talk more about them so folks can see the amount of care that goes into creating a finished shot. If you have any questions happy to talk shop and you can reach me via the socials and email links above.
While the industry is still in a long and slow recovery I've been working on personal shots to both continue skills growth but also keep myself accountable in maintaining a "regular" work schedule in between gigs. This is one of those projects.
The Main plate was footage from Amish Somkuwar's Compositing Course over on Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/course/nuke-compositing-masterclass-keying-part-one/). Thinking about what the story of this could be I landed on a few different ideas so when choosing the background plate I wanted something that had a similar feel to the elements on the ground, maybe this space was an old school or factory that's being used as a make-shift shelter for people.
The Background plate was from a Ukranian artist who goes by Utopia 36 over on Pexels.com (https://www.pexels.com/@utopia36/). Some really great footage on this page so very much suggest going and giving it a look and a follow and if you can, donate so they can keep making film.
Atmo, Dust and Lens Elements are from ActionVFX (www.actionvfx.com).
This was comped all in NukeX
Just realized I haven't done any driving comps in a bit so wanted to do something updated for the comp reel. The Main and BG footage comes from the good folks over at ActionVFX (www.actionvfx.com). The van footage comes from Артём Старшинов over on pexels.com (https://www.pexels.com/video/van-and-car-on-road-11276662/). Comp done in NukeX.
This project was created as a proof of concept for a client pitch for what will hopefully become an Episodic series. Would love to talk more about it as its a cool idea; however, I'm just happy the client gave me permission to show the breakdown of this shot.
Most of the fog elements were shot practically on location with some additional enhancement smoke elements from ActionVFX.
Comp was done in NukeX
Spaaaaace stuuuuuuffff
This project came about as both a skills exercise but also as a redirect of some feelings from the continued impact of the studio/union strikes and contract renegotiations from 2023 and just the state of the world.
The planet implosion was created in Blender, the ship interior was a photo-bash combo of Photoshop and Nuke with the final Comp happening in Nuke.
The footage of the actor used as the main plate and another angle I modified for her reflections as well as some other elements are from the good folks at ActionVFX.
There's also some genuine NASA machinery from some of their High-Res reference photos they kindly make free on their site.
HUNTERS (season 01)
This shot was from Season 01 of the Amazon Prime show Hunters. It was a really fun show to work on and if you haven't seen it, its a very timely rewatch as a group of "Hunters" take it upon themselves to hunt down Nazi's who have long escaped the justice they had coming for their heinous actions.
From Season 3 of the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. This shot was a multi-artist tasked shot due to the shot length short turnaround time along with the amount of time period cleanup. My friend and Mentor, Elaina handled the bulk of the sign replacements, my Comp Supe Steve handled some additional cleanup and my task was to remove all of the names from the ground plaques.